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According to pro-choice arguments, all women should enjoy abortion as a human right and no religious and/or government authorities should take that away from them. On the other hand, pro-life brigade argue that abortion immorally murders innocent human beings since the life of a human being begins at fertilization. This paper argues that abortion is wrong and should not be legalized since its disadvantages far outweigh its advantages, if any. The major reason why abortion is wrong is because it is wrong to condemn an innocent human being to murder. Human life begins once they are conceived and this implies that at whatever stage a pregnancy may be terminated, an innocent being would have been killed. The fetus is in itself a human being and should be allowed to grow and be born and live their life to the fullest. As pointed out by Kaczor (2014), a fetus has a unique genetic code and thus it is a unique individual person.
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It is a potential human being with a future just like people who are already born. It would be wrong to destroy their future on the account of being killed through abortion. Abortion is also wrong because it is wrong to deliberately cause pain. Whatever process is used to secure an abortion subjects the developing human to untold suffering before they eventually die. By [[|5-Paragraph Argumentative Essay On Abortion]] , a fetus has undergone sufficient development to feel pain. Thus, aborting it would be the same as physically attacking an innocent person and causing them fatal physical bodily harm. Under normal circumstances, such an attack would attract condemnation and the person or people involved would be punished accordingly as per the law. This is the exact same way abortion should be viewed and treated. Further, Kershnar (2017) observes that abortion increases tolerance of killing and this is a wrong precedence being created for the human race.
To legalize abortion and to view it as being right is like to legalize killing and see nothing wrong with it. The respect people have for human life would be reduced if killing would be legalized. It would be wrong and detrimental to reduce society’s respect for human life as it may result into increased murder rates, genocide, and euthanasia. Just like such measures as vaccination and illegalization of murder are taken to preserve human life, prohibiting abortion should be considered an important way of increasing human respect for life. Society should not tolerate killing in whatever form and should discourage it through every available opportunity. According to Bailey (2011), people who believe abortion is not morally wrong argue that the fetus should not necessarily be considered a person with the right to life. They hold that the fetus is just a collection of human cells and thus does not deserve the express right to live.