<br /><br />Our world population is around 7.7 Billion and out of them 2.77 Billion are using internet. Digital marketing currently is getting a lot of hype due in the recent times due to increase usage of social media. People are using this platform for marketing/advertising their business.<br /><br />This can also be referred to as &#8216;online marketing&#8217;, internet marketing or web marketing. In simpler terms, any form of marketing that is done online is termed as Digital Marketing.<br /><br />It mainly involves the steps like Research, Plan and strategy, implement, measure and audit and Optimise.<br /><br /> <br /><br />Main benefits of digital marketing can be summarised<br />It helps your business to have a global reach.<br />It is cheaper in comparison to our tradition marketing mediums<br />It helps to promote in a personalised manner.<br />It helps to reach the masses due to increase in usage of social media<br />The business can be measured the reach of the people and make changes accordingly in their strategies.<br />It is available 24/7. Hence increased convenience to its customers<br />Digital marketing is an easy way to tell your Company&#8217;s and brand&#8217;s story to the masses. Social media, most popular among them is Facebook,Instagram, Whats app twitter etc, emails and websites give the companies the ability to reach consumers directly.<br /><br />Digital marketing increases sales as it gives a personalised touch to the customers and it gives all the information regarding the product to the consumers in their hand. digital marketing agency becomes easier for the consumer to know the details of the product and get the answers to their concerns very promptly. Biggest example of this is AMAZON, FLIPKART etc; these have created a storm in the digital world and have set new benchmarks in the field of marketing and sales.<br /><br />DIGITAL MARKETING SUCCESS&#8230;.around 83% of the businesses believe that that their marketing is able to reach the desired goals.<br /><br />Traditional marketing are no longer found to be effective as the customers are not found searching in newspapers, or advertisement boards; rather they are found starring their smart phones.<br /><br />Disadvantages can be summarised as below<br />Dependability on technology<br />It may face security and privacy issues<br />Maintenance cost and continuous up gradation needed to survive in the increasing competition<br />Companies have to face worldwide competition due to globalisation<br />Promotional strategy can be copied by the rival.<br />Pictures and images can be misused to mislead the customers<br />Requires more initial investment hence turns out to be expensive for small enterprise owners<br />Hence before getting into the digital world, one must research well about the pros and cons of the digital marketing world. One has to plan with lot of diligence as once the same is proposed in the market one has to continue with the same to meet the expectations of the customers. If you succeed in doing the same you will win else will be soon thrown out of the lot due in continuous development in technology and increased competition