First Time In the history of network marketing introducing 9 ways of income.
1: Roi Income 2: Binary Income 3: Myriad Share Income 4: Hall Of Fame Share Bonus
5: Presenter Bonus 6: Escrow Income 7: Ranks & Rewards 8: Direct Commission 9: Royalty Commission
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Be A Pioneer Leader And Take The Lead Of Your Financial Success
Artificial Intelligence - AI and in Six Sigma Trade AIFA bot trading the next Frontier in Online Business
#Sixsigmatrade offers limitless opportunities regardless of the industry, and AIFA-based tools can help you achieve higher levels of expertise even if you have no trading experience and keep you ahead of your competition.
Choose Six Sigma Trade journey to your financial success
Let's Do It.....

1. ROI

$100 BASIC PACK .................2.5%
$300 BUILDER PACK.................3%
$500 SUPER PACK....................3.25%
$1000 EXECUTIVE PACK...........3.5%
$10,000 MASTER PACK..............4%
$20,000 ELITE PACK...................4.5%
$50,000AMBASSADOR PACK....5.5%

It's drops weekly after 2weeks from the date of purchase

50% of Business Volume of every package you directly sign up will be given to you in Dollars
Example....when you sign up somebody with Executive pack 200 BV...$100 will be paid to you as direct commission

3...BINARY COMMISSION .....Pays Daily

Binary commission is different from Direct commission and to receive a binary commission you need to
activate your binary by referring two (2) direct referrals. One (1) in your left leg and one in your right leg.

4.....ROYALTY COMMISSION ....Up to 10th Generation level
Level 1.......5%
Level 2.......2%
Level 3.......1%
Level 4........0.5%
Level 5........0.5%
Level 6.......0.5%
Level 7.......0.5%
Level 8.......0.5%
Level 9.......0.5%
Level 10.....0.5%

Royalty commission is one of the most effortless and simple concepts in the Network Marketing industry.
In the Six Sigma Royalty Commission one can sponsor as many distributors as they like, and they need to place all of them on their front line,
this commission is generated from the weekly ROI of the direct members. [[|artificialintelligence]] limited up to 10th levels, each level has its own percentage

And Other 5 Ways Of Income
5: Myriad Share Income 6: Hall Of Fame Share Bonus 7: Presenter Bonus 8: Escrow Income 9: Ranks & Rewards
