<p>It was a cold, snowy night, and me and my girlfriend were going home after visiting some friends. It had been snowing for about three hours, and driving conditions were getting worse that night. My girlfriend was driving that night, and when she hit the brakes for a red light, the car spun around and slid into the intersection, where we stopped! We then noticed flashing red lights coming from a police car, who was in the area, and apparently saw what happened. The police pulled us over and gave my girlfriend a warning, and came over to the passenger side, and he asked to see my driver's license, and went back to the squad car to check things out. I was under arrest! I was shocked and I couldn't imagine why! I was hand-cuffed and placed in the back seat of the police car, and taken downtown, where I was booked, etc. My girlfriend followed us downtown to bail me out of jail.</p><br /><br /><p>On Freedom Of Speech Works Only Underneath These Conditions , I learned that I had gotten a ticket the previous year, for being late on my registration tags on the car. I thought it was a stupid ticket, and I just tore it up and forgot about it! I understand the police keep these records for over a year in the computer, and that's why I was arrested. After arriving What Freedom Means To Me: A Few Prompts For Your Essay , I was escorted into this holding cell about the size of a shoe box, and there was already another fellow in the cell when I got there. I could see the booking office from the cell, and a few minutes later, the police brought in another fellow, who was all bloodied from a beating the police had given him. He was still resisting arrest, and the police continued to beat him with sticks, and he had blood running down his face and about the head!</p><br /><p>Article was generated by https://essayfreelancewriters.com!</p><br /><br /><p>It was a scary sight, and the police brought the fellow and threw him in the same cell, with me and the other fellow! I couldn't believe it, and now there were three of us in that little holding cell. Needless to say, I was quite nervous, being in the same cell with these two men! At one point, I thought the two men were going to go at it, as they stared at each other, etc. I was terribly worried about my safety at this point! Thirty minutes in the same cell with these two thugs, seemed like 30 hours, and finally I heard a police officer call my name. I would be getting out, now that my girlfriend made bail for me, and I couldn't leave soon enough! This was the first time I had lost my freedom, and I didn't every want to lose it again! World War I; World War II; the Korean War; the disgraceful Viet Nam war; the Gulf War; and now in Iraq and Afganistan. FREEDOM allows its citizens in the United States the freedom of speech, and the free exchange of ideas, and has made the United States the most powerful country in the world. FREEDOM Allows its citizens to criticize the President of the United States, and all government officials, without the fear of reprimand by the government. FREEDOM allows any U.S. FREEDOM allows Becoming An American Citizen - What It Means to burn the U.S. Flag and not burn it at all. Hitler; Sadaam; Noriega; Milosivic and others, cannot be allowed to rule and spread their hate among the innocent people of the world! They must be dealt with! American lives will be lost in the future! American's have given their lives for the right to be FREE! Hooray for the Red, White and Blue! <i>This article was generated with the help of Essay Writersversion !</i></p><br /><br /><p>&#8220;The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Every citizen may, accordingly, speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law&#8221;. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights that was adopted in the year 1948 also states that everyone should have the freedom to express their ideas and opinions. Freedom of Speech and Expression has now formed a part of the international and regional human rights law. A democratic government gives various rights to its people including the right to elect the government of their country. Freedom of speech and expression is known to form the basis of a democratic nation. Merely electing the government is no use if the citizens do not have the right to voice their opinion in case they feel that the elected government is not performing as per the standards set by it initially. This is why the right to freedom of speech is an essential right in democratic nations.</p><br /><br /><br />