My husband and I both work; our income split is about 60/40, he being the higher paid. We will both turn 50 within the next year. No children living at home. No substantial debt: Car loan: $185 monthly Student loan: $102 monthly Mortgage: $2,000 monthly No other debt. We never carry a credit card balance. We have about 3 months worth of savings in the bank. Should I base our life insurance on how much we make, how much we have in debt or both? We are living paycheck to paycheck, and if either one of us were to die suddenly, the other would only have a few months to sell the house before we could no longer make the payments. In this market, I don't think that's realistic. I was thinking that we would need enough to pay for a funeral, pay off the smaller two loans, and still have enough to live on for at least a year if the house doesn't sell. Does that sound right? Or should we not worry about paying off the loans…just calculate enough to replace the other's income for XX many months? If so, how many months should we plan for? Finally, at what rate is life insurance taxed? Is it added to your income and then taxed at the rate for your total income for the year? or is there a flat rate tax? (I think I know the answer to this one, but I want to make sure). <br />I recommend you to visit this site where one can compare rates from the best companies: <br />Can my auto-insurance rate impact? <br />I inadvertently struck a study, no body was hurt. Only injury to my bumper. I visited a body shop and also the estimate is ~$2000. My deductible is $500. Should I spend it outofpocket or just proceed through my insurance? Can there go immediately produce my insurance a claim up? I'm a 29 b/o married male having a driving record that is clear.&quot;<br /> <br />Does AARP offer affordable health insurance? <br />I'm turning 50 October's finish, as of now I've no medical health insurance. Someone will be able to get affordable health and dental insurance and told me that I will be entitled to AARP. Is AARP the solution to to be able to finally afford health?&quot;<br /> <br />Does 15 mins help you save more or 15% on motor insurance? <br />Does 15 mins help you save even more or 15% on motor insurance?<br /> <br />&quot;If your trucking business is home-protected,what are deductibles? <br />I've been informed that I have to protect damages in a backing incident between two vans belonging to the same self- company that was insured.<br /> <br />How come various auto-insurance companies demand charges that are various for exactly the same insurance carrier? <br />I went to three various insurance agencys to see what estimates theyll give me. One claim explained sick pay 140 down-payment for entry auto insurance and 50 monthly. One other firm said ill pay 60 monthly and 90 down-payment for that same corporation. Along with the third firm stated i would probably not be eligible for a entry car insuranc. im 20-year old guy riverside ca 94 accord. Why would the same car firm is quoted diferently for by three agencys that are distinct? Whyyy is it a scam<br /> <br />&quot;Easily obtain quinn strong is formed by a car insurance quotation in ire of any selection i wont get covered?&quot; <br />tink dat car is bout 180bhp,nonetheless I - can get protected on a bmw 750i (5.4ltr Petroleum) (350bhp) vehicle and im only 21, check it out yourself,i sed im 21 humor entire lic and 2yrs ncb, tink it was 1700e aswell, da micra I'd last year was 2700e. Likewise I will get a price on the crx vti del sol (160bhp) but not the esi (120),insurance providers haven't got a!;<br /> <br />How much should a bike insurance charge? <br />Just a little about me: -age 23 -driving license for both vehicles and bikes since 2008 (Western model) -don't have any prior statements or fines -I-do generate cars for your business Iam working for -the motorcycle is actually a 600, 2013 product -I'll obtain a safety product soon -was thinking of having a 150 pounds voluntary excess&quot;<br /> <br />What sort of insurance-do I would like as being a teen? <br />I'm searching for quotes and anchor insurance demands which insurance I'd like I've your choices of Liability only, Understanding and crash and Thorough only&quot;<br /> <br />How to become an Insurance claim adjuster in California? <br />Ive explored and searched for forming but there appear's to be low of this offered just how could I get my foot inside the door to become a state adjuster, or courses provided? It seems like its a catch22, since jobs which can be choosing for trainee adjusters or internally adjusters need you to have experience but there seems to be no approach to get your foot within the doorway. Ca I Be guided by someone towards the best course? Cheers&quot;<br /> <br />May any body tell me what's the lowest online car insurance company? <br />I've an old auto and sometimes i use it but I believe i pay a lot to guarantee it $55 per month and it is just insurance and that I am trying to find an online insurance company that can provide me a very low-rate<br /> <br />Finding life-insurance for my grandparents? <br />My grandparents are in their seventies - early eighties. Financially, they are having a time that is tough , nor have life insurance. As their grand-daughter, I would want to begin a policy which will be sufficient to include their expenses that are final. They live in Missouri's state and that I live in Minnesota. Could I be capable of get a policy for them? What types of plan must I look at – very existence or expression? What are your tips for insurance companies?&quot;<br /> <br />May my auto insurance increase easily switch to a '09 from the '97? <br />So my auto insurance is astronomical, I reside in NY. I-drive a 97 Saturn right now and Im hoping to get a Prius due to gasoline prices. Do you think my insurance increase by way of a ton because of the difference in year and product? I know that's a procedure with my insurance carrier although I could simply obtain a price.&quot;<br /> <br />Auto insurance to get a morning/week to get a student <br />Hey, ostensibly i am going to take my sensible test in a few months (14th) and im taking it in my own automobile, I used to be just wondering when there is any companys that specialise in car insurance for a day or a week for novice owners. If so what companys and the way much am i looking to must spend, thanks&quot;<br /> <br />Is having a medical insurance essential in Florida? <br />I'm going from Ma to California at this month's end. You may get penalized in your taxes, in Massachusetts its necessary to get medical health insurance of course if you never contain it. Can it be necessary in Florida as well?&quot;<br /> <br />Do you think it is best to get your own life-insurance? <br />I simply got married and had A2 month old child this year. I do want to set up her as early as now. I really don't need her to go through any issues in living that I experienced. I'm 31 and I - can pay for the insurance rightnow if it's more rational to pay for the insurance premium or simply conserve the money in a bank but Iam considering. Please give me some insights on this.&quot;<br /> <br />Car insurance concern? <br />Consequently im 16 if i am under my moms and over the summertime im going to make a lot of money, by the winter I will possess an Jr permit and might want to acquire my car insurance but i get my car. Can her prices go a whole lot up? Easily own my very own automobile, may I nevertheless be under her insurance?&quot;<br /> <br />Where is the insurance class range found by me on the Kaiser Permanente insurance card? <br />I am wanting to waive my facultyis insurance since I wish to employ my own than paying for theirs. One question asked what is your 'Insurance party range'? I'm having trouble locating the solution hopefully you can help me!&quot;<br /> <br />Is it embarrassing to enable your child/daughter move without health insurance? <br />When I flipped 21, I acquired taken off my parents' health insurance. I might not afford to purchase insurance on my own, and did not have a job during the time, so I was compelled to-go without it. Well, I turned very sick and was hospitalized for 4 nights with food poisoning. The hospital bills complete around $50,000, and that I was rejected Medicaid since I had been spending $1400 monthly in rent (income I accumulated through prostitution, if you like the truth), along with the clinicis social worker felt basically might afford $1400/month in lease, I could afford the hospital charges. Friends of mine at the time were really hard on my parents, specifically my mommy, expressing what kind of a mother could allow her kid get without health insurance? No editorial comment from me. I am just curious what other folks consider. Since they I'd like to get without medical health insurance do I have awful parents?&quot;<br /> <br />Do we expect employers to offer medical insurance? Why don't you get your own? <br />The republicans want to repeal Inexpensive Care Work and the Individual Protection, what're they giving being an alternate considering the fact that half the population doesn't have medical health insurance.&quot;<br /> <br />What are the right but cheap auto insurance places to get a 23-year old female? <br />Require good but cheap insurance! Considerable solutions please!!!<br /> <br />How much can my insurance rise?? <br />I've 21st century car insurance and i happen to be driving since february 2008 and i am 18 yrs old. i pulled a-state vehicle (caltrans) but there was no damage done whatsoever to the vehicle…in terms of my auto…there is a little damage that i will not fix. Nonetheless a state car they've to record it was stated by chp. how much can my insurance increase??<br /> <br />Auto insurance to get a new driver + sportscar? <br />Well, my dad owns a 1959 TR- 3 Victory, and also a 1981 Delorean. 16 will turn quickly, on buying car insurance therefore I could get a 2006 Hyundai Sonata to faculty and around town and I plan. The issue is. I want to be capable of periodically generate my dadis Win TR-3 around community, to institution, on wonderful times, etc. Possibly simply on breaks, that sort of issue. The issue is, I-don't wish to devote a silly amount of cash on motor insurance for a vehicle I will not be operating often. I read that there's a cents -per-distance method that will be basically a prepaid insurance card and you also get insurance for blocks of miles and it keeps track on the special odometer. Can someone please lose some light on that topic? If that's of any significance I live-in Oklahoma.&quot;<br /> <br />Inexpensive car insurer for small driver? <br />I'm A - 19 year old guy searching for a cheaper motor insurance offer than 1500. Does anyone recognize the cheapest auto to cover? Or a cheap?<br /> <br />&quot;If requiring people to have motor insurance may be the just like needing them to have medical health insurance then why?&quot; <br />Wont the US government help should you cant afford it, you spend your car insurance? Is not auto insurance a fundamental human right?&quot;<br /> <br />Do I would like auto insurance in this instance (I live in Tx)? <br />I am seeking a the Florida Minimum liability insurance requirements. They've a 30/60/25 plan. $60,000 &amp; $30,000 plan for 1 and a couple and $25,000 for property damage. Well I was not uninterested in investing some cash, and that Iam totally ILL in the interestrates granted at any lender union. The very best around here is.75% which STINKS! If you have any type of insurance surety account, and so I was curious. Essentially, may I place $85,000 (which would cover two or 1 people 's not surgical, and $25k in property injury into an account that I can't feel? Is there something like this where I get my insurance card this way and really could show fiscal liability, through a certainty consideration of some kind? The way it is seen by me, my insurance is currently around $800 per year for responsibility here. For my $85k expense right into a binding surety or protecting account I really could save $800 per year. That is like drawing nearly 10% fascination with savings!!! LOL! If anything that way exists I simply wonder? I mean it fiscal accountability is called by them… Law not named it's insurance.&quot;<br /> <br />How much life insurance should we get? <br /> My husband and I both work; our income split is about 60/40, he being the higher paid. We will both turn 50 within the next year. No children living at home. No substantial debt: Car loan: $185 monthly Student loan: $102 monthly Mortgage: $2,000 monthly No other debt. We never carry a credit card balance. We have about 3 months worth of savings in the bank. Should I base our life insurance on how much we make, how much we have in debt or both? We are living paycheck to paycheck, and if either one of us were to die suddenly, the other would only have a few months to sell the house before we could no longer make the payments. In this market, I don't think that's realistic. I was thinking that we would need enough to pay for a funeral, pay off the smaller two loans, and still have enough to live on for at least a year if the house doesn't sell. Does that sound right? Or should we not worry about paying off the loans…just calculate enough to replace the other's income for XX many months? If so, how many months should we plan for? Finally, at what rate is life insurance taxed? Is it added to your income and then taxed at the rate for your total income for the year? or is there a flat rate tax? (I think I know the answer to this one, but I want to make sure). <br />I recommend you to visit this site where one can compare rates from the best companies: <br />Howmuch is insurance if your under-18? <br />And she is crying cuz she dont therefore I wondered how much is insurance in Ohio possess a work&quot;<br /> <br />Any inexpensive car insurances for first-time individuals? <br />I am 20 and I have already been operating for just two decades and lately got my own car. But I noticed auto insurance is costly and if there's any motor insurance that's not superior, I wanted to know. Do you advise something? Please help. And thankyou.&quot;<br /> <br />Whats the lowest priced automobile insurance for an 18 year old guy? <br />Got work and kind of looking towards to adding my truck under my name-but I had been just thinking exactly what the cheapest insurance would be.<br /> <br />Admission in FL for no proof insurance? <br />I do have insurance although I received a citation for no proof insurance, i did not have the card on me during the time. Will i need to spend the good or may the citation be thrown out when i go-to courtroom?&quot;<br /> <br />Do folks devote on insurance? <br />I am talking about apart from general health and drug insurance.<br /> <br />Which kind of car insurance are you experiencing? 10 things is going to be given!!!!!!!!? <br />As a sixteen-year old who would want to get a used car, I'd prefer to know what type of car insurance is the better. I've tried to complete online estimates, nevertheless they generally require too much personal information. Is insurance expensive to get a sixteen-year old? What type of insurance do you suggest or have? thanks&quot;<br /> <br />Does getting a 350z as your first car as well as a new driver added gonna create the insurance go up? <br />their are 3 owners in my own household as well as the insurance is like 200 i think could the bill go way up if your new driver is driving a 350z?<br /> <br />Do Americans wish Gov't work health like medicaid or do they want affordable medical health insurance? <br />Do Americans need Gov't run health like medicare and medicaid or do they desire inexpensive medical health insurance?<br /> <br />&quot;Normally, howmuch does home owners insurance charge?&quot; <br />I'm filling in somethings for a project for-one of my lessons. I don't in any way require this quantity to become accurate, I'm not going to proceed and talk to an insurance professional, I recently need a variety that is if I purchased a residence in what I would be paying forinsurance.&quot;<br /> <br />I would like some support!!? Motor Insurance prediciton:? <br />I'm 16, and i experienced my G2 for just two-3weeks…and got my G1 10months ago. I'm not the principal driver over a car(my parents have 2 automobiles…they would be the main people) Tonight i slid off the trail and struck a tree(roads were slick and wet as it was snowing) and maybe 3-4 thousand dollars harm was completed to the top of the car!! Simply how much can my insurance increase per month??(it had been a 2007 hyundai elantra with snow tires)&quot;<br /> <br />Auto insurance price (red light citation!)? <br />Sorry if this can be too much time, but i really need support! I just got a solution for transforming close to red t/e preventing in WA condition. I realize that driving record is n't generally checked by insurance companies and googled. Until if you create some change to your plan, make every 2 repair cycles or a claim? my concerns are: -How long does it consider for my insurance company to notice this basically don't make any improvements to my policy or claim within 3 times (this may stay on my history for 3 times right?)??? -Typically how long is ONE renewal cycle in motor insurance? - easily explain the judge and he/she reduce my punishment, Does which means that the report the infraction, and break the mitgation reading choice will stay on me smaller?the charge money will reduced? and hopeful insurance carrier will not increase my rate? -I am a student and I am cover under my father's insurance, so does that mean the whole quantity of perhaps my component or advanced increase if my pace increases? PS: my insurance company is American Family Insurance if this help. It is simply switched to by me a couple of months before.&quot;<br /> <br />Do we require land master insurance? <br />A close family friend is surviving in a house that have been left to my friends, sister by our mummy however not paying lease do we have to get landlord insurance.&quot;<br /> <br />Insurance for 1987 jeep wrangler? <br />Just thinking you pay for insurance in case you have something similar to an 87' wrangler. Don't give me the only head to this web site and acquire a quotation. , I Might much like some quantities please;)&quot;<br /> <br />Motorcycle insurance in canada? <br />Experienced cyclists are being punished by the insurance providers in Canada with annual increased prices for bikes. Some will not even ensure you in the event you adjust the pipes along with the rest on your motorcycle! Is there an organization that could support competitors that are seasoned with insurance costs that are fair? May we start one if-not? I would want to hear how you're controlling by the insurance firms with your rip-offs, if you have been operating for more than 20 years.&quot;<br /> <br />How much does business insurance that is small cost on-average annual? <br />My friend must understand a rough estimate about the yearly expense of small business insurance and is performing a task on her school type. Her enterprise, is actually a used furniture alliance having a several part time employees. Time is an issue so any fast responses will be quite appreciated although it doesn't have to be exact. Thanks beforehand!&quot;<br /> <br />&quot;Once you had your first automobile, how much you paid for the insurance? <br />Im just gathering data<br /> <br />Price of insurance to get a 16 year old? <br />16 is turning in-may and that I cannot wait to have my license but i am also beginning to think about insurance. It's going to be sooooo much. I have a '85 corvette but I was told by dad they have to insure me most abundant in costly vehicle they own. This might be considered a 2002 F250. I wondered what type could be cheaper? I used to be thinking around 200-300$ a month but i have no concept? And much difference would it be involving the car along with the truck? please support?&quot;<br /> <br />Simply how much could be the avg auto insurance to get a 17 year old residing in Toronto? <br />That is with driving school under my gear and having an average more than 70% in college (cause evidently that cuts your charges) i dont need an exact amount cause most people are diff, and I actually donot require a link to some of those items taht assess it for you cause I actually don't have the persistence lol.&quot;<br /> <br />How much do you think insurance could be on the first auto?&amp; money that is how much you think i will invest in gas a wk? <br />Howmuch do you consider insurance will be on the first auto?&amp; how much cash do you consider i will devote to gasoline a wk?<br /> <br />Howmuch can be an SR22 insurance charge? <br />Just about…<br /> <br />What healthinsurance could I apply for? <br />I am a stay at home mommy and my husband is self-employed. Therefore we can not get insurance. blue cross keeps questioning me. what additional affordable medical health insurance can i submit an application for?<br /> <br />Cheap car insurance for 28 yr old? <br />I've a 2003 Grand Am. I have had it to get a year. Until lately I'd it in my own moms insurance plan. But hers has expired now and I would like to have it set under my own personal coverage. I have had my certificate since I was 20. I've never had any violations, not even a speeding ticket. What're some inexpensive auto insurance for my condition. I live in Kentucky.&quot;<br /> <br />Does auto insurance prices are affected by a rear view camera? <br />May adding a rear view camera on my automobile affect my insurance rates? The reason I ask is because delayed this past year the news media started confirming the fact the federal government is currently considering mandating rear-view cameras on every new-vehicle bought America.<br /> <br />Has anyone had experience n/causing a car accident your insurance goes up? <br />I simply experienced a car accident &amp; I had been at fault. It seemed to be minimal, in line with the modest dent within the other individual's car, however the pair equally have tissue injuries. I've tickets or no accidents on my history. If anybody on the market has been doing a similar circumstance, I am thinking? Simply how much did your insurance increase? I am hoping this couple doesn't lie about their incidents or decorate them and I am hoping their injuries don't turn out to not be frivolous. It's too soon to share with. Thanks.&quot;<br /> <br />Simply how much is short term auto insurance for under 21's (around value)? <br />I need insurance over a car for only 1/2 weeks. I have been on some sites, but tons do not present under 21 insurance and others require registration and form-filling, which until nearer the actual moment I don't want to do. Has everyone on below had encounter with assuring an automobile, temporary, in a small age?&quot;<br /> <br />How much life insurance should we get? <br /> My husband and I both work; our income split is about 60/40, he being the higher paid. We will both turn 50 within the next year. No children living at home. No substantial debt: Car loan: $185 monthly Student loan: $102 monthly Mortgage: $2,000 monthly No other debt. We never carry a credit card balance. We have about 3 months worth of savings in the bank. Should I base our life insurance on how much we make, how much we have in debt or both? We are living paycheck to paycheck, and if either one of us were to die suddenly, the other would only have a few months to sell the house before we could no longer make the payments. In this market, I don't think that's realistic. I was thinking that we would need enough to pay for a funeral, pay off the smaller two loans, and still have enough to live on for at least a year if the house doesn't sell. Does that sound right? Or should we not worry about paying off the loans…just calculate enough to replace the other's income for XX many months? If so, how many months should we plan for? Finally, at what rate is life insurance taxed? Is it added to your income and then taxed at the rate for your total income for the year? or is there a flat rate tax? (I think I know the answer to this one, but I want to make sure). <br />I recommend you to visit this site where one can compare rates from the best companies: