For as long as I can remember, I've dreamed of designing and constructing my very own home one day. It sits high on a hill with breathtaking views of the ocean below. There's a white picket fence surrounding a luscious green yard where Sparky, my golden retriever, happily chases his tail and teases the neighbor's cats. Two cars fill the garage and two children swing happily on the swing set while burgers sizzle on the grill and mom pours a refreshing glass of lemonade. But what if my dream home was built without any plans - there were no blueprints to make my vision a reality? Well, Bob here did just that. He dreams of building his own home too. In fact, he's so excited to build and eager to save a few bucks that he hires the most notorious builder in town: Calvin and his crew from the Calamitous Construction Company. Bob couldn't be bothered with such minor details as building a plan, acquiring permits or even much direction beyond 'build me an awesome home!
So Calvin simply guessed what Bob wanted and made up construction plans as he went along. And sure enough, nothing went right, the home was poorly built and Bob's dream literally collapsed because he didn't provide instruction and take the time to plan out the work. Think of the outline for an essay like the blueprints for a house. Thought and groundwork is needed to plan a dream home, and the same is true for a successful essay. Jumping right in to the first draft without a blueprint will leave you with an essay that crumbles like the house. After watching his father's dream crumble to pieces, Bob's son Ben wants desperately to make the family's dream home a reality. Ben makes his way to the library, where he starts by gathering reference material. Once he's identified a direction for his essay, he sits down to construct an outline, or a basic skeleton of ideas to be expanded upon later.
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When it comes to outlining, Ben has a few choices. Let's look at the three most frequently used. Ben's first choice is the alphanumeric outline. The alphanumeric outline uses a series of letters and numbers to identify main ideas and suggest placement of details later on. This is a popular outline for writers because it's fairly vague and not too time-consuming. His second choice is the decimal outline. Similar to the alphanumeric outline, the decimal outline still lacks many clear specifics but does allow for more expansion, showing how each sub-idea relates to the larger whole. Notice how this outline uses a series of numbers with decimals to organize each detail. Finally, Ben can choose the full sentence outline. The sentence outline is most often used in drafting traditional essays and is my personal favorite because the sentence outline requires full sentences instead of generality. True, this may take more time up front, but it will make the essay drafting process much easier in the long run.
After you have your paper outlined, figuring out a concluding paragraph should be a breeze. In a traditional 5-paragraph essay, the first step in writing your conclusion is to restate your thesis using different words. To close out the paper, I would open a discussion on the broader significance of this argument. Now that you’ve established all the components of your 5-paragraph essay outline, you’ll need to actually sit down, avoid social media for a while (I know, it’s hard), and write your 5-paragraph essay. Believe me, it will be much easier to do now that your thoughts are organized and you have somewhere to start. Ask any writer. There is nothing more frightening than the pure white of an empty page. An outline is a great remedy for this. As you start writing, you’ll want to be sure to connect all the pieces of your essay together with strong transition sentences. Don’t just line up the notes from your outline and call it done. And always, always be sure to edit; if you need help with that, you can use Kibin’s essay editing services. Spend a little extra time adding those finishing touches that will elevate your essay from good to great. Do you work from an outline? Or are you more accustomed to writing by the seat of your pants? Let us know in the comments.