<p>Knowing how to write a reflective essays is a great achievement in life especially those in school. A reflective essay is all about writing a piece that explains one&#8217;s life experiences. It is easy to write about your experiences and an event that changed your life. For those who find it overwhelming, there are reflective narrative essay examples that lend a helping hand. It is extremely easy to demonstrate your essay writing capabilities. Evidently, it is easy to exhibit your skills through competency statements put down in a paper in point form, organized paragraphs and best formatting. Reflection is crucial element in narrative essay writing. When learning how to write a narrative essay, it is essential to keep your reflective essay examples in mind. A reflective essay example will give a student or any other person working on these essays as better idea on how to draft their own and high quality essays. Essay samples will mostly offer a helping hand as to how to write a narrative essay. For instance, if you use reflective narrative essay examples as required, it will be incredibly essay to set the standards for a reflective narrative essay in a number of ways.</p><br /><br /><p>You will be able to focus on a defined and well-developed event or experience. The incident may vary in setting. You may have to write an essay on an incident consist of a series of closely related events. Reflective narrative essay examples will also aid in providing background information. This is possible especially if the incident explained in the essay example relates to the one you are about to write in your reflective narrative essay. It will be easy to include the key components of a reflective narrative that include characters, plot, setting and conflict to name but a few. As you learn how to write a narrative essay through the reflective essay examples, it will also be easy to organize events clearly. It will be easy to write your essay in a chronological order and include flashbacks if you have the exposure. You can set standards of your essay by using a dialogue. If required, it makes your essay look and sound more exceptional. The word choice is always crucial not only when writing a reflective narrative essay, but also when learning how to write a narrative essay. To easily set essay standards, explain the importance of the event of experience in the appropriate manner. Lastly, as you use reflective narrative essay examples to set the standards of your narrative essay ensure you maintain a consistent opinion throughout the essay. This content was generated by Essay Freelance Writersversion .</p><br /><br /><p>There are two ways that I plan on raising my score in the style area. One way is to come up with occurrences in my life that could possibly relate to the topic I need to write on, before I start to write. Another way is to make my paper into an imaginary story. Finally, I found that not continually demonstrating sophisticated order of content and not always having obvious or ingenious transitions lowered my score in the organization area. There are two strategies I am going to use to improve my organization. One is to write stronger transition sentences, by making the last word of my transition sentence the first word in the first sentence of my next paragraph. The second strategy is to make my prewriting outlines mores explicit and thorough. After examining each of my weak categories of writing and finding ways to enhance my skills in them, I believe that I have a strong grasp on what I have to do to improve my writing. Since I now have specific ways to improve my writing, I can put them to use in the future. These strategies will not only help me with writing impending prompts, but they will also aid me in all of my writing: research papers, biographies, reports, essays, etc. Thus, I can use these methods of improving my writing all throughout my life.</p><br /><br /><p>When the attack helicopter smashes into the glass building, this is done in slow motion, and before the actual breaking of the glass a shockwave reverberates across the building. In real life, a helicopter smashing into a wall of glass would not produce a visible shockwave and so this scene looks unreal, that this would not happen in real life. Because of this the scene also asks the audience the question of what can be taken as real or false. The use of visual techniques created with the aid of modern computer graphic technology not only looked awesome, it also interrogates the audience into what they observe as real. Typically not used often in films, the written film code is used quite symbolically throughout the film but mostly at the beginning. Eerie green characters, not only from English but also from eastern languages, were used when displaying the matrix, in a font that looks systematic, giving the impression that the matrix is just a code language. Although this code does not seem like it would mean much, even the Warner Brother&#8217;s symbol is coloured the same way, in a way expresses that everything is under the influence of the matrix.</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><p>Usually a large part of conveying the theme in films, the audio codes in The Matrix not only set the atmosphere of scenes, but they also emphasise what is happening in regard to the storyline. In this film however, music was undermined by the use of awe-inspiring visual techniques, though they were still present. The music that was used was often eerie or sounded very mechanical; as if it were computer generated. This is important as the matrix was said to be computer generated. Background sounds such as people talking on the street sets the scene and also makes it more realistic. Thunder was used whilst Morpheus was explaining to Neo the matrix, emphasizing the importance of this scene in conveying the story. Audio codes in The Matrix helped promote the storyline and set the scene but rarely supported or presented the themes to the audience. The Matrix used some of the most advanced filming techniques seen to the date of release.</p><br />