Samsung understands exactly the way to make a topend Android mobile, and with the Galaxy s 7 it is just pulled another marvel out [[,Samsung-Galaxy-S5/phones/8997,8202|operating system android]] of the bag. Read our Galaxy s 7 evaluation to figure out Samsung 's S series still provides the best mobile money can buy.
April 2016 Update: We are also obtaining rumours that Samsung can found a Mini as well as an Active variant of S7 soon. The Galaxy S-7 Lively is supposedly have a design that is rugged with shock-proof [[|operating system android]] body & most of its specifications will remain same as ordinary S7. While Galaxy s 7 Mini will come with 4.6-inch large display, 3GB RAM, Snapdragon 820 settings. These forms are reported tor release 20-16, in Q2.
The Samsung Galaxy s 7 is returned in by the first two, while battery life h AS enhanced no-end with a higher-ability mobile in. It is not difficult to brush these off as old They're the three points lovers cried out for in the Galaxy S6, and noticed them [[|localizador de moviles con gps]] threatening to go else where, although attributes taken from the Galaxy S5. So their return is rather a large offer, to say the least.