<p>Whether you need to deliver a speech for a class, you have a presentation to give at work, or you&#8217;re writing an essay, a solid outline is the starting point for success. From drawing an audience in with an attention-grabbing opening to keeping their interest with relevant main points and smooth transitions, an outline helps to organize your thoughts and to make sure all the bases are covered. On this page, you will find information on writing an outline, and many outline examples and tools. There are many different purposes for writing an informative outline, therefore there are several different types of informative outlines. A few of the types include the informative essay outline, the informative presentation outline, and the informative speech outline. Regardless what type of informative outline you are writing, the basic parts remain same. Each will include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Can We Write Your Speech? Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included. <i>Data was created with the help of Essay Freelance Writers .</i></p><br /><br /><p>You are likely already familiar with the basic outline format, which uses Roman numerals for the introduction, body (main points), and conclusion, and letters and numbers for subpoints and supporting facts. If you have the basic format down, you&#8217;ll then want to then master the differences specific to the type of informative outline you&#8217;re writing. For example, a speech outline may include a notation about visual aids you are using or when to emphasize using gestures or pauses, which would not be necessary in an informative essay outline. According to this writing guide from Colorado State University, the main point of an informative speech is &#8220;to provide interesting, useful, and unique information to your audience.&#8221; Within that framework, there are still different types of informative speeches. When selecting your informative speech topic and beginning your outline, you&#8217;ll want to keep in mind the type of speech you are writing and its overall objective. Again, the key parts of your outline will remain the same, but the pattern of organization you use in your outline may vary based on which type of informative speech you are writing.</p><br /><br /><p>Another difference when preparing an outline for a speech is that you&#8217;ll benefit from two outlines: the preparation outline and the speaking outline. A preparation outline is typically full sentences and is used to help write your speech. A speaking outline uses keywords and phrases, generally on note cards, and is designed to jog your memory during your speech, keeping you on track, without distracting you from delivering your message. Once your preparation outline is complete, you&#8217;ll also want to consider if you need a speaking outline. If it&#8217;s permitted, a speaking outline can be a useful tool to use when delivering your speech. This informative outline example from Santa Monica College is a full sentence outline of a demonstrative, or how to, informative speech about CPR. It uses a chronological pattern of organization, describing steps in the order you would perform them. The body consists of three main points, each with three to four subpoints. The introduction shows a clearly defined thesis statement.</p><br /><br /><p>An example of a process informative speech outline, this outline informs how to eat healthy with a busy lifestyle. The pattern of organization is topical rather than chronological and this outline uses phrases, rather than full sentences, showing an alternative to the complete sentence speech outline. If you have a brief speech to give or are confident in your abilities to prepare and deliver your speech, this outline may suit your needs. A full-sentence process speech outline in pdf format, this outline describes the process of spray paint art. It shows how to incorporate a visual aid in the introduction. It also shows how to use transitions between main points in your outline. This informative process speech outline demonstrates how to create a personal recipe collection cookbook. From the labeled anecdote in the introduction to the transitions between sections, it is a great example of a complete sentence outline and is a Word document so the content could easily be replaced, while keeping the basic format to be used for any topic.</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><p>From the Monmouth College, this outline is an example of the most commonly used pattern of organization, topical. It also shows the effective use of internal summaries and internal transitions between sections for a smooth speech. This full sentence event informative speech outline about the sinking of the Titanic is from Central Michigan University. It shows an effective attention getter and credibility statement in the introduction, as well as transitions between sections. This outline is downloadable as a Word document and provides an example of an event informative speech outline describing the 1919 Black Sox Scandal. It uses full sentences and then shows how to use a central idea as a thesis statement. In addition, it shows how to develop your points in the body paragraph, starting with a broad idea, then a supporting statement, then specific details. This is an assignment used at Bakersfield College. It is downloadable as a Word document, and it includes both an example of a complete sentence object informative speech outline about a person (you) and also an abbreviated version suitable for a speaking outline.</p><br />