Nowadays I experimented with a spicy low-carb roulade. have experienced this recipe in my head for a extended time and the notion of &#8203;&#8203;filling a roulade with rocket, prosciutto and onions has been pursuing me for a long time. I have presently posted a equivalent recipe on my internet site, toasted crepes with caramelized onions and San Daniele ham.<br /><br />The dough for the roulade is truly easy and fast to get ready. I divided the eggs and whipped the snow to make the dough a small fluffier and lighter, combined the egg yolk and some almond flour and cautiously lifted the egg whites. I unfold the dough about half a cm thick on a baking sheet (be confident to place baking paper underneath, normally almost everything will stick) and baked in the tube for about 15 minutes. Allow the dough awesome and go over with a damp cloth, then it is less difficult to roll it up.<br /><br /><br /><br />The roulade receives its particular kick from the caramelized onion and the figs. I use purple onion, coconut blossom sugar and balsamic vinegar. Caramelize the sugar, fry the onion until translucent and deglaze with balsamic vinegar.<br /><br /><br /><br />The roulade is topped with ham, figs, the caramelized onions and rocket, when rolling up you have to be watchful so that the dough does not tear.<br /><br />Roll up the roulade very compactly and cool well just before serving. Minimize into chinese meal recipes with a sharp knife.<br /><br />The Stone Age cook wishes you lots of enjoyment and pleasure although cooking.<br /><br />