It really isn't hard to write an simple analytical essay. Make sure your thesis hits the sweet spot, the midpoint between fact and fiction. Don't have a thesis that is total fact or pure fiction- fact will be too easy to proove, fiction cannot be supported. Don't be afraid to make it totally contreversial. Your thesis should go at the end of the introduction (unless the prof says otherwise). If you have just finished reading the book, start pumping out statments. For a small book (think 1-200 pages), you should come up with 3-5 proofs without thinking. If you can't, go to the next thesis. Once you have about 4 or 5, pick one the one that has the most controversy. Flip through the book (or other books you have) to find quotes that will back it up. Your first paragraph is the introduction (obviously) . It should include the title of the book (in italics), and your thesis (underlined). Your intro will read better if you start out vague and then focus in on your thesis. The next 3-5 paragraphs should support your thesis. Remember to start each with a topic sentence that argues your thesis. A good general rule is to put your weakest points first. Every paragraph should also include a drop quote or an internal quote. Drop quotes should be 3 to 5 lines long and are usually indented and singe spaced. Internal quotes should be 1-3 sentences long and require no special formating. Remember to always add a citation. Also, never leave out the analasys of a quote. The ending should be 4-8 sentences long (this depends on the size of the paper), and should build up to a climax in the end. Remember to restate your thesis and review all the topics you coverd earlier.

While the audience for an expository piece may be obvious, writing directly to that audience is not so obvious. It affords you an opportunity to think clearly and write clearly without having to worry about your identity, ego or success. If you are in school, the audience for expository writing is your professor, and you should be fulfilling the boxes in their rubric to the letter. If they haven’t given you a rubric, ask for one. If they won’t, find one or create one based on conversations with them, their former students, or another professor. Write in complete sentences. Write in paragraph form. Each paragraph should contain 3 to 5 sentences for short essay questions, and 5 to 10 sentences for long essay questions. Vary sentence length and structure; try not to begin sentences with the same word or words. Use facts and information taken from reading passages to answer questions; refer back to the reading passage to stay focused. This post was done with

Underline important information in reading passages to make it easier to go back to them when answering questions. Proofread. Proofreading sentences backwards makes finding spelling mistakes and punctuation errors easier because it forces test-takers to focus on individual words instead of automatically “seeing” what he or she intended to write. 1. Write for clarity, not formality. As a teacher, I see a lot of expository writing where the writer is more concerned with following the conventions of academic jargon than she is with expressing ideas. So, rather than trying to appear formal, expository writing should aim to be clear. George Orwell’s 1946 essay, “Politics and the English Language,” says more on this topic, and is a worthwhile read. 2. Think synthetically, write analytically. Synthetic thinking starts with small details, or an open-ended question. As thoughts continue to develop, the main idea is clarified (or discovered) at the end the process. Contrariwise, Analytical thinking starts with a “given:” a major premise or generalization. It then proceeds to break down the main idea into its components and deal with each separately.

Expository writing is usually presented most effectively in an analytic format — the main idea first, the support afterwards. On the other hand, literary writing, like a poem or discursive essay, is often presented synthetically. The key is knowing the difference between thought process and written format. We can think something synthetically, and then write it analytically. And in fact, this process can be the key to effective expository writing for many people. Don’t assume that because a thesis appears in the first paragraph, you have to think of it first. You could try drafting it synthetically, to clarify your thinking. Then rewrite it analytically to present it more effectively for your reader. Expository writing is first about structure, second about clarity, and third about content. Depending on the type of expository writing there is a specific structure expected. Even in college essays each sentence on the essay has a purpose and can be labeled as a thesis statement, topic sentence, evidence, or explanation of evidence. If the structure is not there, most of the time there is not much clarity and the content is lacking because it is confusing. This is the same for any type of expository writing. My suggestion for people becoming better at expository writing is to study the structure of the piece, the paragraph structures and the sentence structures. If you understand how to break down the structure then you can learn to replicate any style or form you want. Writing an excellent expository essay isn’t as complicated as it seems. Simply follow the steps and include the essential pieces outlined here.

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