<p>A cloud of death hangs heavy in the air as Nazi soldiers stride harshly, ominously past frail frightened figures. The figures are those of the Jews in Schindler&#8217;s Factory and they shutter in terror, while standing without breathing or allowing the slightest sign of motion, haulted at only their hearts pounding furiously within. As each third person a shot rings out and another Jew falls to the ground. This abhorrent, cruel, inhumane treatment was just one of the many everyday occurrences for Jews during World War Two. The movie Schindlers list is a graphic description of the ungodly things that happened in Germany during the Holocaust. It focuses on Nazi transgressions to Jews and shows how merciless and inhumane people can be when they fall prey to a centered ideal and are blinded beyond their capacity to make judgments. This inability crosses the line between civility and savagery. In the same manor, William Golding In the novel, Lord of The Flies, illustrates the battle between civilization and savagery throughout humanity in many ways. <i>This content has been generated with https://essayfreelancewriters.com.</i></p><br /><br /><p>We Can Write Custom Essays on Savagery for You! Using Characterization, Golding depicts the boy&#8217;s struggle between civilization and savagery. First, Ralph, the protagonist, uses order to try and maintain a healthy society. For example, &#8220;He laid the conch against his lips, took a deep breath band blew once more&#8221; boys from all parts of the Island gathered for the first tribe meeting (17). By calling the meeting Ralph brings a sense of refined leadership to the Island. Roger, on the other hand takes pleasure in others pain, yet to some extent is held back by invisible chains of society. His hunger for power over others unleashes itself at times; however some measure of restraint holds it from consuming Roger entirely. This is exhibited when &#8220;Roger, took up a small stone and flung it between the twins, aiming to miss. 175). Throughout the novel Roger remains the truly sadistic character.</p><br /><br /><p>While Golding shows several characters struggles against primitiveness, he also relates symbols to their human struggle. Through much symbolism Golding depicts the struggle of society verses the urge to regress back to the primitive state. First, Piggy&#8217;s glasses symbolize civilization. Piggy&#8217;s glasses were the key to the boy&#8217;s survival on the Island and when Jack hit piggy and &#8220;Piggy&#8217;s glasses flew off and tinkled on the rocks&#8221; and broke chaos broke loose on the island and the boys grew apart (71). After Jack says he doesn&#8217;t need civilization he steels Piggy&#8217;s glasses, showing the reader that everyone in the novel has or needs some link back to civilization. Also, the conch is a symbol of power and order. Piggy and Ralph use the conch in the beginning to gather the boys but near the end of the book the conch has no importance because all order and power have been destroyed.</p><br /><p><i>Data has been generated by Essay Writers .</i></p><br /><br /><br /><br /><p>Last, the Lord of the Flies represents all evil on the island. The Lord of the Flies says to Simon, &#8220;You&#8217;re not wanted. &#8217;t try it on, my poor misguided boy, or else-&#8220; (144). The Lord of the Flies tries to tempt Simon into becoming savage like the rest of the boys, but Simon is to Christian to turn evil. However, The forces of good and evil are still apparent, throughout conflict, on the island. Golding exemplifies the pressure of civilization and savagery by conflict. Foremost, Golding explicates the clash between Ralph and Jack get the theme, across to the reader. Jack and Ralph are opposites, Ralph represents order and democracy and Jack represents disorder and dictatorship, which explains why they do not get along throughout the novel. The conflict between Ralph and Jack becomes so tense that Ralph says, &#8220;Why do you hate me? &#8221; and things begin to fall apart between Jack and Ralph (118). Last, Golding shows the war within each boy to remain civilized and not to turn to Savagery.</p><br />