<p>As I already mentioned, keep in mind that INSEAD does not require a CV or resume. Therefore these job essays below are critical pieces of the application. As you will see, the INSEAD application has relatively limited space to discuss your past experience in typical resume style. You should consider that these essays will really provide INSEAD with their primary interpretation of your career. Job Description 1. Briefly summarise your current (or most recent) job, including the nature of work, major responsibilities, and where relevant, employees under your supervision, size of budget,clients/products and results achieved. What would be your next step in terms of position if you were to remain in the same company? The first part of this question is a very straightforward for most applicants. For those who are unemployed, you should write about your last position held. You want to focus on both major responsibilities and major results. Since results (accomplishments) are likely to be specifically connected to responsibilities, I would prioritize them in your description. <i>Post was created with the help of https://essayfreelancewriters.com.</i></p><br /><br /><p>I think for many applicants, the easiest way to organize this essay will be in terms of discussing their 2-4 most important results and/or responsibilities. Here is one possible organizational scheme. 1. Brief introduction indicating the nature of the position and employer. 2. Most important responsibility that lead to a result. 3-5. Subsequent responsibilities-results. 25-100 words. The Details: If you don't have employees working during under your supervision, you should still indicate any project-based and/or team-based leadership. As with a resume or CV include any numbers that will help INSEAD understand the extent of your results or responsibilities. Even approximate quantification is better than no quantification if it helps to positively showcase your career. Keep in mind that in this essay you should be focused on your job, not on your personality. Interpret your job, don't just summarize it. Explain why the work you do is significant. The second part of this question (Previously part of Job Essay 2) is what I would call an &quot;opportunity cost&quot; question, in other words, by going to INSEAD, you will be sacrificing the opportunity to take the next step at your current employer. <i>This data was created by Essay Writers !</i></p><br /><br /><p>If you are unemployed, the way to handle this question is to discuss the kind of position you would obtain if you were not seeking an MBA. For everyone else, I think you should be realistic, but also present the best possible version of your next position, which will show that you are seeking an MBA to move beyond what would follow without it. I think INSEAD asks this question not only to determine whether you have a clear sense of your career trajectory, but also to confirm that you have thought deeply about what you are sacrificing by pursuing an MBA. Try to answer this question 50-100 words. Given that INSEAD no longer has a why MBA question, this is a good place, as well as the next essay, to mention that. Job Description 2. Please give a full description of your career since graduating from university. It should be written as if you were talking to someone at a social gathering detailing your career path with the rationale behind your choices. Discuss your short and long term career aspirations. This essay had changed substantially and to call it a job description is just totally confusing.</p><br /><br /><p>I guess the admissions office could not be bothered to update that name, but since this essay is now supposed to explain your overall career and your future goals (one assumes post-INSEAD short and long term career aspirations, it can hardly be called a job description, more accurately, it is CAREER MOTIVATION. This essay should be a growth story. If it is not a story that shows how your career has positively evolved, it is unlikely to be very effective. You might be unemployed at the moment, but what has been the trajectory so far? Did you take a big risk along the way? Point that out. We each have our career ups and downs, especially anyone who has taken risks. Don't shy away from discussing the risks, but the overall focus of this essay should be positive. In my experience, INSEAD rewards those who take risks and does not look kindly on those that stay in the same position for five years or more.</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><p>Change or become boring! In terms of organizing this essay, think about the key turning points in your career. Help INSEAD understand how you have evolved professionally. Assume that you are being judged critically and consider how to both effectively and honestly present your career. Calling this a description is particularly unhelpful because what they are looking for is an analysis of your career. WELCOME TO THE INSEAD COCKTAIL PARTY! Anyone who knows about INSEAD knows it is a party school. Well, I guess they really decided to flaunt that with this question, in particular: &quot;It should be written as if you were talking to someone at a social gathering detailing your career path with the rationale behind your choices.&quot; That's right, you are at a social gathering, perhaps drinking a martini or a glass of wine or Singapore Sling while explaining to someone at said gathering about your career. Now, unless you are bore, you will not go into details but be painting a pretty broad brush.</p><br />

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