<p>Though expectations vary from one discipline to the next, the conclusion of your paper is generally a place to explore the implications of your topic or argument. In other words, the end of your paper is a place to look outward or ahead in order to explain why you made the points you did. In the past, you may have been told that your conclusion should summarize what you have already said by restating your thesis and main points. It is often helpful to restate your argument in the conclusion, particularly in a longer paper, but most professors and instructors want students to go beyond simply repeating what they have already said. Restating your thesis is just a short first part of your conclusion. Make Where To Put A Thesis Statement that you are not simply repeating yourself; your restated thesis should use new and interesting language. After you have restated your thesis, you should not just summarize the key points of your argument.</p><br /><p><i>This content has been done by GSA Content Generator DEMO !</i></p><br /><br /><p>Your conclusion should offer the reader something new to think about&#8212;or, at the very least, it should offer the reader a new way of thinking about what you have said in your paper. Choose How Do I Compose A Strong Thesis Statement For My Informational Research Essay? that best maintains the flow and tone of your paper while allowing you to adequately tie together all aspects of your paper. Part of generating a thesis statement sometimes requires answering the &quot;so what?&quot; question&#8212;that is, explaining the significance of your basic assertion. When you use the &quot;so what?&quot; strategy to write your conclusion, you are considering what some of the implications of your argument might be beyond the points already made in your paper. College Essay - Education allows you to leave readers with an understanding of why your argument is important in a broader context or how it can apply to a larger concept. For example, consider a paper about alcohol abuse in universities.</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><p>If the paper argues that alcohol abuse among students depends more on psychological factors than simply the availability of alcohol on campus, a &quot;so what?&quot; conclusion might tie together threads from the body of the paper to suggest that universities are not approaching alcohol education from the most effective perspective when they focus exclusively on limiting students' access to alcohol. When you use the &quot;connecting to a course theme&quot; strategy to write your conclusion, you are establishing a connection between your paper's thesis and a larger theme or idea from the course for which you are writing your paper. For example, consider a paper about mothers and daughters in Eudora Welty's Delta Wedding for a class called &quot;The Inescapable South.&quot; This paper argues that a strong dependence on the mother is analogous to a strong dependence on the South. A &quot;connecting to a course theme&quot; conclusion for this paper might propose that Welty's daughter characters demonstrate what type of people can and cannot escape the South. When you use the &quot;complicating your claim&quot; strategy to write your conclusion, you are using one or more additional resources to develop a more nuanced final thesis.</p><br /><br /><p>Such additional resources could include a new outside source or textual evidence that seemingly contradicts your argument. For example, consider a paper about Ireland's neutrality during World War II. This paper argues that Ireland refused to enter the war because it wanted to assert its sovereignty, not because it had no opinion about the conflict. A &quot;complicating your claim&quot; conclusion for this paper might provide historical evidence that Ireland did aid the Allies, suggesting that the Irish were more influenced by international diplomacy than their formal neutrality might suggest. When you use the &quot;posing a new question&quot; strategy to write your conclusion, you are inviting the reader to consider a new idea or question that has appeared as a result of your argument. For example, consider a paper about three versions of the folktale &quot;Rapunzel.&quot; This paper argues that German, Italian, and Filipino versions of &quot;Rapunzel&quot; all vary in terms of characterization, plot development, and moral, and as a result have different themes.</p><br />

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